It is now my 8th day in bangkok and the thai culture is AMAZING. We have been doing outreach prep and going out into the slums and sharing and playing with people and kids. It has been an amazing experience to find people who have never heard the name of Jesus and we are still in the Big cities I don't know what ewill happen when we go into the jungles of borneo on tuesday. We have been prophesying over the ywam thailand base helping to encourage and refresh the full time missionaries here and abroad. We have been doing prayer walks and we held a 24 hour prayer day on thursday to friday seeking god's heart not only for thailand but for our roles in Borneo seeking his will for who we should talk to and where we should go and for Holy Spirit to go ahead of us and blase the trail for us. I can't wait till we get on the plane monday for Kuching Malaysia and then our 10 hour bus ride to pontionak indonesia!