Welcome To The Adventure!
We are ordinary people trying to obey the word of an extraordinary God.
These are our travels.
These are our travels.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Some Fun this Weekend
I had some great fun this weekend with with mission builders before they all leave this Saturday. They have helped us so much here on the base, I am going to miss them so much.
The base here in Haiku is So much fun with so little people up here. We have moved couches back into the lecture hall and have turned the house into a great family home once again. There are only about 10 living here on Base which makes it very quiet and spacious.
I miss you all so much and I have mailed out letters for all of you that I have an address for. If someone who reads this doesn't receive a letter within the next few days please just email me with your address and I am more then happy to put you on the mailing list.
On a more personal note, God has been moving me closer into His presence. As I read the bible and see how it speaks to every aspect of my life God has been changing me. The Bible does not just apply to the spiritual part of my life. It is the only thing that validates my whole life. And through the Bible God has reminded me of something very special this week. As Christians every part is to be an act of worship. Worship is not just singing on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings. Worship is an attitude of the heart looking to and serving Jesus alone that will then be shown through MANY different physical representations. This can be anything from Singing on Sunday to filing your taxes. Rock on....
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Da' Kitchen
This is where we wash and dry all of our pots, pans, boards, and dishes.
Our oven and skillet. This is where we do the cooking.
Here is some of the tasty food being prepared for today's lunch. The young women in pink is Kiera, she is one of our wonderful mission builder volunteers.
Some leftover ham also being prepared for today's lunch. Ooo it tasted so good!
And this is Ms. Loretta another one of our volunteers here. *Whisper* I am not to sure she liked me taking a picture of her. I miss you all so much. If you all have any questions about how I am doing or what I am up to. Or perhaps you would like to see a few more pictures of something in particular just comment, or email me at GCapostle@aim.com.
God Bless
Monday, March 17, 2008
Island Life
I have been back for two weeks now and life is slowly returning to normal. My culture shock is slowly going away and I am coming back into my normal emotions and reactions to situations. I want to thank you all so much for your prayers and support through these past 6 months.
As you know God has asked me to stay here on Maui as staff for at least the next two years, that is the length of a regular commitment here at YWAM MAUI. And I am excited to finally settle in after 2 years of transition and intense learning. This season of serving the base in practical ways has already been so encouraging for me. I get to now live out what I believe to be true. God does exist, He is holy, He is infinite, and He is personal. Because of my sin I am forever cast out from Him into the fires of Hell. But because of His incredible love for me He sent Himself, Jesus Christ, to save me from Hell and eternal separation from Himself, so that now I may stand as holy and righteous, through Christ Jesus' finished work on the cross, before God in loving relationship with Him. Loving God with all my heart, mind, body, and soul and loving my neighbor as myself. And I can only weep for joy at the opportunity.
Christ has called my here to YWAM Maui for this season. And I know He will provide for my in incredible ways. My current support per month is $350 and I have a goal of at least $500 per month for my time here at YWAM and a long term goal of $3000 per month for longer term missionary work overseas. Also currently I am still in need of a laptop computer, I am sharing a friends, but my own is essential in this day and age for keeping you all updated as well as informed. I have been praying and researching what is the best what for what I do and will last me at least 4 to 5 years. I am looking at spending around $1500 for a new Apple Macbook. Please email me if you would like more information.
You all have been so instrumental in my life. Praying for me and encouraging me. I pray that you can see how much Christ has changed me and my life through you all. I miss you all so much.
Humbly In His Service,
Friday, March 7, 2008
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Update On Life
God did so much on my outreach that will be so hard to put down into writing, but i am trying. I am making a new post on this blog called "tales" and on it I want to put testimonies, stories, and pictures of some of the people that I have met and gotten to share the love of Jesus with. god has been doing so much to me and through me over the past 2 years that I have been in YWAM. My whole goal for coming to YWAM was the School of Biblical Foundations and Missions, which I just completed. So, as I look forward to what is ahead I hear the Lord asking me to stay here at YWAM Maui serving as staff. He has simply spoken and is asking that I simply follow, He has said just this, "Remember Lot's Wife." And then He opened the doors or me to stay here without going back to California.
The Lord has asked me to stay, so I have and am now on staff full-time here at YWAM Maui. I have the wonderful opportunity to work in the kitchen here in Maui for the remainder of this quarter. My commitment here is 2 years long and already I can see God's hand in placing me here for this time. The students of the current DTS that I get to serve are so hungry to know more about Jesus and through working for them and with them in the kitchen God has provided a unique opportunity to disciple them. I am so excited for the future. God has all of our lives in His hands and He works all things out for the good of those who love Him. i am still working on getting the video online but i have loaded a ton of new pictures on the picture section of this blog for you all to check out!
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