Welcome To The Adventure!

We are ordinary people trying to obey the word of an extraordinary God.
These are our travels.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Here is the Link

Here is the link to the guest blog spot I had the opportunity of writing for Rivendell Sanctuary;

Click Here

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

A fresh Look At School

I am letting you in on another email to Rivendell Sanctuary. I am getting to be a guest writer on their blog and I wanted to show you what I am planning to write. I'll post the link when it comes up.

"Five years ago I finally gave my life to Jesus and have been asking the question, “How do I live the whole of my life to the glory of God?” After hearing about Rivendell from my Base Director at Youth With A Mission Maui I saw a step towards my answer.

My first impression of their educational model was, “PRAISE GOD!” to say the least, I was flabbergasted. What made me so excited? My utmost desire is to know and live out consistently the word of God in every sphere of my life to the glory of God. After years of frustration at the lack of adequate answers I was pointed in the direction of this amazing program that attempts to not only apply Biblical truth to the whole of life but also create a student that both knows that truth and has the tools to live it out.

How could I not be excited? This program is literally the answer to the cry of my heart! Now that I have been accepted and the start date of the inaugural class is quickly approaching, my excitement towards the future is only growing. I have many goals laying in my future: a deeper relationship with God, continuing to learn long after I leave the classroom, influencing society, being the best light I can be for the truth and message of the good news of Jesus Christ, working an honest job, adventure, marriage, children, and developing a legacy that blesses even my children’s children. This program is not just any common tool in my growing tool belt of life to accomplish these goals but is perhaps one of the most important. I could not have imagined a better one.

I try to expect God to be himself – faithfully large and in-charge, once again He has complete surpassed my expectations by showing me Rivendell Sanctuary."

Monday, November 22, 2010

Only One Month Away

So, I have been looking at the calendar. Less than a month left till I end this season of my life here at YWAM Maui and start the next. To say it succinctly; It is so wierd!

I am stepping out to start a new adventure and I would love if you would continue to come along with me.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

A Verbal Process Update

This Excerpt below is from an email that I sent to the University I am planning on attending in January. While writing it I thought you all might enjoy it so I decided to post it for you.

"I moved out of my parents house when I was nineteen in a wisp of a hope that life had some coherent objective universal upon which I could base everything in my life the alternative of which would have been honest nihilism and then suicide. I had heard about YWAM from some cousins who had done it and read about a program being run here in Maui called the School of Biblical Foundations and Missions - which is almost identical to your Battle of Beliefs School - Which boasted the subtitle of, "Why you believe what you believe." I gave Christianity one last shot knowing only the presence of the Holy Spirit in my life but having no answers to my philosophical and as Ravi puts it,"Existential questions." Having gone through almost a full year of mission building and completing my DTS, I was finally able to do my SBFM. Through this school experience I was actually changed forever by not only having the time and community around me to help guide me through the deep questions I had about life, the universe, and everything but also - despite the theological issues that may arise - I believe, finally getting saved. The day after returning from that second outreach, I began staffing. It has been almost 3 years since that day and I am now hearing the Lord moving me on to continue in the plans that He has for me. In my short YWAM career I have gotten to see God work in the lives of people in Bangladesh, Indonesia, Thailand, The Big C, Malaysia, Brunei, and Philippines. I see no reason to stop doing what the Lord says now! "

Thank you for all your support over the years, weird that I can now say years.... It truly has helped change the world.