I have been learning so much in this school. But, I don't know how successful I would be in an attempt to list it all here. Instead, I want to share something more personal.
I have been surprised by the love for others in my heart. In the midst of opening up the fire hydrant of truth and drinking deep, my love for people is genuinly growing. Now, you may say, "well duh Joey, that is what it is suppose to do!" To which I would heartily agree. However, it is one thing to know in theory and totally another thing to experience sincerely.
In the bible we are told to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and love our neighbor as ourselves. This, although simple, can be - as some of us know - simply the death of us. In the faithfullness of God, or the reliability of His decrees - otherwise known as truth, is the source of this love we are asked to give to our neighbor. This roots my love in God, not myself.
If God is faithful and my love is rooted in him, then my love can be faithful. This is what I am experiencing: not in theory but in experience. The Love of God made manifest in my life.
Perhaps the rubber is finally hitting the road. Ha! Who knew?