What a time it has been! I have been to Rome, Venice, Assisi, Fiesole, and now Sienna!

I have had the priviledge of completing E. H. Gombrich's history of art book as well as having wonderful and passionate conversations about beauty and art.

As individuals we have sought answers to questions such as: What is beauty?, What is art?, Is there such a thing as christian art?, or Should christians even participate in art?

Some questions have been brought to concensus but, as with most subjects, any answer reveals more questions.

From these photos I hope that you catch a glimpse into the beauty and majesty that has been preserved and cultivated here in Italy. With regards to a brief explanation of some of our discussions, allow me to let Charles Dickens give you a snapshot:
"How much better,'he said at length, 'to shun all such thoughts and chances, and, in the peaceful shelter of the church, devote your lives to Heaven! Infancy, childhood, the prime of life, and old age, whither as rapidly as they crowd upon each other. Think how human dust rolls onward to the tomb, and turning your faces steadily towards that goal, avoid the cloud which takes its rise among the pleasures of the world, and cheats the senses of their votaries. The veil, daughters, the veil!'
"Never sisters,' cried Alice. 'Barter not the light and air of heaven, and the freshness of earth and all the beautiful things which breathe upon t, for the cold cloister and the cell. Nature's own blessings are the proper goods of life, and we may share them sinlessly together. To die is our heavy portion, but, oh, let us die with life about us; when our cold hearts cease to beat, let warm hearts be beating near; let our last look be upon the bounds which God has set to his own bright skies, and not on the stone walls and bars of iron!'
- Charles Dickens : "Nicholas Nickleby" pg. 65-66
- "For Glory and beauty"
Location:Florence, Italy