While I am still here though let me tell you a little about what has been going on. The Lord has been teaching me some amazing things about himself and the world around me. For instance, the bible says that The Lord holds everything together, have you ever thought about the implications of that? That means that not only did God create the world out of nothing, but that out of his unconditional love for us He continues to sustain it, keeping the natural laws of gravity and inertia and such going simply because of his love for us, if he forgot or didn't want to anymore they and we may not exist. How often I seem to think that this world is just a machine run by laws that cannot change. Even though this world is not a part of God it definitely shows us parts of His character and exclaims his wild and crazy love for us. And I have been standing in awe. maybe a better word is dumbstruck.
Take care, and I am praying for you all daily. God bless you.
Aw Joey, that is so true!!! I miss you and Dan major bro, but Im praying for you every day, twice a day ;) I love your picture and I love you! Im so excited for you. God is so amazing.
i'm glad your having a good time!
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