Greetings from the lecture hall as we just completed the reading of the whole new testament in two days!
We are ending the week a little early because of thanksgiving and I am praying that you all have a great time getting together with family or celebrating some traditions of your own. I am so excited to have a few extra days of rest and relaxation in order to recover from the past few weeks. And I am looking forward to spending some extra time with the Lord, going over with Him what I have learned so that I can begin to apply it to my life so that I may show Christ more through my life.
Today is the day that $1500 dollars is due for my plane ticket to the Philippines was due and I am rejoicing because of the Lord and His faithfulness to provide. As of last night I had only $1100 towards my plane ticket when I got a phone call from one of my family members who wanted to help me with the ticket. I got the check this morning and I have enough money to buy the plane ticket! Thank you all for your prayers and support.
During this week I have been humbled by Jesus. I need to rely on Him more, ask Him more, and involve Him more in every area of my life. He wants to be part of my day.He wants to walk and talk with me on everything. This has been so hard for me, despite all I am learning I still find myself forgetting about God and going about my day without involving Him. I am not trying to be hard on myself, I just really want to know Jesus. I read about what He has done for His people and what He has done for all mankind through His death on the cross and resurrection, saving us from our sins and bringing us from death to life. But those are just things that He does. Please understand I am not saying that they are not the most important things in all of history, by no means! What I want to get across is my burning desire to KNOW the person of God not just what He does. I want to know WHO He is and experience a relationship that rivals that of a husband and wife, an intimate and unquenchable loving realtionship. This is what He promises all of His children, He knows us more than we know ourselves and we can know Him the same. He is our father and I want to know His intimate love. Please keep me in your prayers, as I seek after the heart of God. And I pray for you the same, that you will dive into a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ; choosing everyday to love Him with all of your heart, mind, and strength.
Welcome To The Adventure!
We are ordinary people trying to obey the word of an extraordinary God.
These are our travels.
These are our travels.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Monday, November 12, 2007
Hello everyone!

I have just finished a week on world religions. The heart behind the week is 2 Corinthians 10:5 "We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ."
We were placed into groups to study, report, and then present about Secular Humanism, Communism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and New Age. I have learned so much in this past week that my whole body is tired. But this week was one of the cief reasons that I wanted to attend this school. The Lord's heart is for people to be saved and discipled and understanding other religious beliefs provides such a profound tool for accomplishing this. Through the knowledge of what people believe we can see and minister to their hearts. At the same time, working effectively to present a biblical explanation and example for them to receive Christ.
Let me tell you that Christ is truly our only hope. No other belief can stand up to the knowledge of Jesus Christ. He is infinitely holy and lovingly personal. The Bible is the only basis for absolute truth and compassion. Praise the Lord for revealing it to us.
Thank you all so much for your prayers. This whole week has been very exhausting but The Lord's grace is sufficient everyday. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support. Your prayers make every bit of difference in my life.
I am praying for you all daily and am hoping for a great thanksgiving celebration with family and friends for you all. I am hoping to be back home for at least a few days during the holidays to enjoy your company. I love and miss you all. God Bless!
I have just finished a week on world religions. The heart behind the week is 2 Corinthians 10:5 "We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ."
We were placed into groups to study, report, and then present about Secular Humanism, Communism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and New Age. I have learned so much in this past week that my whole body is tired. But this week was one of the cief reasons that I wanted to attend this school. The Lord's heart is for people to be saved and discipled and understanding other religious beliefs provides such a profound tool for accomplishing this. Through the knowledge of what people believe we can see and minister to their hearts. At the same time, working effectively to present a biblical explanation and example for them to receive Christ.
Let me tell you that Christ is truly our only hope. No other belief can stand up to the knowledge of Jesus Christ. He is infinitely holy and lovingly personal. The Bible is the only basis for absolute truth and compassion. Praise the Lord for revealing it to us.
Thank you all so much for your prayers. This whole week has been very exhausting but The Lord's grace is sufficient everyday. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support. Your prayers make every bit of difference in my life.
I am praying for you all daily and am hoping for a great thanksgiving celebration with family and friends for you all. I am hoping to be back home for at least a few days during the holidays to enjoy your company. I love and miss you all. God Bless!
Monday, November 5, 2007
Well hello there everyone! I have meant to get my monthly support letter out to you all but homework has been keeping me rather busy. We just finished our most laborious project this week, an essay with 2 hour presentation on a particular worldview, and I am looking forward to seeing some daylight, ha!
Thank you all for your prayers and support, I could definately use any encouragement I can get! You all are my support team. I am submitted to your authority, to be honest you are the men and women who keep me on the ground, holding me back from floating off somewhere random, dissalutioned and tired. I gain all my strength from your prayers and support. You are so needed in this team effort of missions. Please email me anything that the Lord gives you while praying for me. Or any suggestions you have for me please I am open and I fully realize how much I don't know. Our lord Jesus Christ gifts us all differently for specific reasons, that reason is to help and support others, together and only together can we fullfill the great commission.
""All authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Song and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." (Matthew 28:12-20) This is what we are called to as christians, and this can only be done through you and I supporting eachother through Christ.
I love you all, God Bless.
P.S. anyone can now leave comments, I realized that this was not setup correctly so now you can just post your comments here and may not have to email me with your comments.
Thank you all for your prayers and support, I could definately use any encouragement I can get! You all are my support team. I am submitted to your authority, to be honest you are the men and women who keep me on the ground, holding me back from floating off somewhere random, dissalutioned and tired. I gain all my strength from your prayers and support. You are so needed in this team effort of missions. Please email me anything that the Lord gives you while praying for me. Or any suggestions you have for me please I am open and I fully realize how much I don't know. Our lord Jesus Christ gifts us all differently for specific reasons, that reason is to help and support others, together and only together can we fullfill the great commission.
""All authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Song and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." (Matthew 28:12-20) This is what we are called to as christians, and this can only be done through you and I supporting eachother through Christ.
I love you all, God Bless.
P.S. anyone can now leave comments, I realized that this was not setup correctly so now you can just post your comments here and may not have to email me with your comments.
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