I have just finished a week on world religions. The heart behind the week is 2 Corinthians 10:5 "We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ."
We were placed into groups to study, report, and then present about Secular Humanism, Communism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and New Age. I have learned so much in this past week that my whole body is tired. But this week was one of the cief reasons that I wanted to attend this school. The Lord's heart is for people to be saved and discipled and understanding other religious beliefs provides such a profound tool for accomplishing this. Through the knowledge of what people believe we can see and minister to their hearts. At the same time, working effectively to present a biblical explanation and example for them to receive Christ.
Let me tell you that Christ is truly our only hope. No other belief can stand up to the knowledge of Jesus Christ. He is infinitely holy and lovingly personal. The Bible is the only basis for absolute truth and compassion. Praise the Lord for revealing it to us.
Thank you all so much for your prayers. This whole week has been very exhausting but The Lord's grace is sufficient everyday. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support. Your prayers make every bit of difference in my life.
I am praying for you all daily and am hoping for a great thanksgiving celebration with family and friends for you all. I am hoping to be back home for at least a few days during the holidays to enjoy your company. I love and miss you all. God Bless!
Hi Cool Picture... Yes Jesus really is our only hope. Praise God He loved us enough to die for us so that we could be with Him forever.. Im so proud of you and what God is doing in your life...Love yea Mom
Ahh, Sorry I got to this late...I always forget to check each week! Wanted to comment on your amazing hair. So...you have amazing hair! Hehe. Praying daily for you Joey!-Brittany
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