Welcome To The Adventure!

We are ordinary people trying to obey the word of an extraordinary God.
These are our travels.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

So I made it to the Philippines fine. We were scheduled to go to Surigao city in the south yesterday but our plane flight was cancelled due to bad weather there in the city. Pray that the weather will clear up so we can leave Friday and head out to the small island were we will be spending the majority of our time serving.

The area we are staying at here in Manila is almost exactly like Los Angeles so it is definitely weird for me to think that I am in a foreign country. The street names, the traffic, the Mexican food (even though here it is Filipino food). They drive on the right side of the road and it is very heavily American influenced. The culture gap that is between here and Thailand is very large and I find myself going through quite a bit of culture shock while here in the city. Thinking of it as L.A. has been helping but I think that I am ready to go down south where it is a little more rural.

I am hoping and praying that you will realize that God is always there for you whether or not you may feel Him there. And because of that our prayers for each other move and effect our lives for our benefit through Christ. You guys are great. Thanks for being awesome!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes Im praying for you... God is good all the time.. Im so glad that life is more than what we see but the unseen that God is working. Lots of blessing to you we were praying for you guys on wednesday.. Love Mom