Welcome To The Adventure!

We are ordinary people trying to obey the word of an extraordinary God.
These are our travels.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Hello Everyone

Me with one of the DTS students

This past week has kind of been a weird one. I am facing quite a dilemma. I seem to have run out of things to give up to the Lord. Impossible you say... I know it sounds hard to believe and presumptuous to even think about but let me explain the situation a little bit more.

I have nothing left to give Him, not because there isn't anything bad left inside me to give up; it is really that I have given up so much that currently I am without ideas as to what is left of me. I think that the Lord has changed my life from, "what are you willing to give me," to a life of more creativity by now saying, "now let us see what I have given to you." As change usually is for me with the Lord, this switch has been very quick and, also as usual, not so timely.

The School Banner

I am always caught by God like a deer in the headlights. I will be headed one way and then BAMM! blindsided by His plans for me. This time though it is quite interesting to note that He hasn't given me anything new. I have no new project, no new mission; He stands in front of me and simply asks a question that I feel as though I should have the answer to. Who are you: what are you here for: and how have I built you for that purpose? While this should be 3 questions I believe that they are so interconnected that they must be asked all at once.

perhaps you can shed some light on the subject

Now you see my dilemma, it is something - I suppose - that all men must ask at sometime in their lives, this now is my time.

Care to help with what gifts you see in me, or anything that the Lord is speaking to you: please comment. I am pretty open to any suggestions. *chuckle*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are surrendered. You are a child of God and not ashamed. You are an encouragement to others. God's plans involve you and he delights in your willingness.

And Joey? You're awesome.
Love ya.