Thank you all so much for your prayers. They really do change everything. Over and over again I have begun to see God be Himself. Because of my position as kitchen head, I get to see how God provides for this base through the simple thing of food. All of us worry about things, and now a days the price of food is creeping up on our list of things to worry about. Well, have I got a story for you.
I serve people food here at ywam maui on $2.00 a day, that is right, breakfast, lunch, and dinner; $2.00 dollars A DAY. With that requires an incredible acrobatic feat of budgeting and more faith in the Lord being our provider than I have ever needed before. With that said, here is what happened.
I was in Costco looking at my list of things to buy. Every week I make a menu and write out my list of things that I need for each day. Today I had $433 dollars left to spend here at Costco but I had that sinking feeling that it wouldn't be enough to get all that we need for the 90 people I serve here on base all the meals for an entire week. But I know that the Lord is who He says that He is, so I just go and start grabbing what I need. I keep a running total of how much I have spent to make sure that I don't go over budget. So, about half way through I realize I am not going to make my budget and I begin to skimp on things, I need 6 cases of eggs but I I cut it down to five to save an extra 12 dollars, and I continue shopping. Well, about 3/4 of the way now I KNOW I am not going to make it but I continue to shop anyways. And finally, here I am at the last item, 7 bags of tortillas, prie if 8 dollars a bag. As I do the math and begin to add it to my running total I fight back tears standing in the baking aisle at our local Costco. The total..... $421 and right at the moment God speaks so clearly to me and tears begin to fall, he says,"How many times must I tell you who I am." Still fighting back tears and slowly walk back to the cold section and grab the $12 dollar case of eggs that I had not boughten because I didn't think I had enough. Bringing the grand total of everything that I needed down to the very last thing to $433. God is who He says that He is.
Wow it has been an interesting few weeks. We have been getting prepared for the 28 new students coming to participate in our fall program. They all come from different walks of life, but each and every one has been brought here by God for a specific purpose. I am so excited to see what God has got in store for them during their time here with us.
So, in preparation for the this school, I have been doing everything from scrubbing my kitchen floor to doing tune-ups on all of our big green vans to making sure all my paper-work is filled out perfectly. In short I have been ridiculously busy.I have some pictures of my escpades as well as pictures with some of the new staff and students, that I will post today as well.
Thank you for your prayers and support.
Quote of the week," There is just one problem with prayer, God ansers it."
1 comment:
Amen and Amen Preach it..
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