Welcome To The Adventure!

We are ordinary people trying to obey the word of an extraordinary God.
These are our travels.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Fresh Off the Post

I have shared a little about my plans for January. I think I am gonna go back to school. I have been praying a lot and I think the Lord is leading me in the direction of Rivendell Sanctuary. it is really one of the only schools of its kind. And as of today I have just received the acceptance package.

The package is a lite one, seven simple pages describing the plans for the next two years of life. On the one hand it gives me a lot of peace to have something planned for the next two years of my life on paper. On the other hand, I am having to count the cost once again of what it means to leave everything behind for what I think the Lord is telling me to do.

God has truly blessed me with life here in YWAM Maui, I have friends,family, spheres of influence, seniority in our little microcosm of people - an entire group of people that love me and care for me. But the pinnacle has been the relationship with Him - Jesus. I have encountered Him, learned more about Him, been through time of weeping and times of joy with Him here. I did this all at His call to follow him. And I want to be with Him where He is and I want to go with Him where He goes. So the time is coming to move on.

I will probably take some time in the next few months to reflect back on over four years of journeying with the Lord but for now this post is for a prayer request.

My first two years comes to a total of $48,000 for everything. This price pays for room, board, and all school expenses. And as I write this to you I have $260 saved for it. In my heart I fear that I will believe the lies of satan that say, "This is impossible." And as I sit and wait on the Lord for the truth, He says,

"For grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast." - Ephesians 2:8-9

He has already done the impossible, He saved me.....
God is the God of the impossible. It is His gift. So please be praying for my finances.

1 comment:

Kasha Sue said...

Hey there! I've been accepted to Rivendell as well, thank you for your post, it's an encouragement to me! I too am having a hard time coming up with the finances to attend RS and I just wanted to let you know that I've been praying for you (for the student body as a whole) that the Lord would provide for all of us. His way is perfect!