Welcome To The Adventure!

We are ordinary people trying to obey the word of an extraordinary God.
These are our travels.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

The Little Things

Everyday life. Everyday life is an adventure in and of itself. Anyone who is reading this will probably think, "Duh" or "Sheesh, cliche much!?" Regardless, it is something that is a new part of my journey and it is something that I am starting to do. Most of us simply live others try to live simply. This is not just some monetary slogan, it is an event slogan. Either you are busy, or you aren't. Either you try and get things done or you don't. Either your day is fretted or it is fret-less. Do you get what I mean?

I have a girlfriend, a car, some cash in my pocket and I am sitting here thinking, WOW! this seems vaguely familiar. Have I been here before, I wonder? Six years. It has been over six years since I was last in this position. Then I had a girlfriend, a car, and some cash in my pocket too. But then it was all meaning-less, hope-less, and going nowhere. It has been six years since I left everything for Christ and I am now in exactly the same type of position I was then but now, while the same, everything is different.

Post-Rivendell each thing seems to be more colorful if not at least more meaningful. I cry at what I use to laugh at. I laugh at what I use to cry at. What is different? I am beginning to wonder if it is not the little things. While little individually, collectively it feels a little overwhelming. I am hope-filled, not knowing where I am going still but definitely knowing I am headed in the right direction. Little things make all the difference or at least they seem to be making all the difference.


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