Thailand is going great and all is well here. I have a few new pictures for you all. And I will sit down in a few days and tell you about our time so far here in Bangkok. Until then.. God bless
Welcome To The Adventure!
We are ordinary people trying to obey the word of an extraordinary God.
These are our travels.
These are our travels.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
I made it to Thailand! As a transition to the Philippines we as a team stop over in Thailand for a few weeks to get our visas and adapt to a new culture and climate. I will be here for 19 days before leaving for the Philippines on the 7th of January. We are going to be working with a college ministry that houses students for the campus close by. I am excited to spend Christmas and new Years here. We get to go caroling Thai style tomorrow. I miss you all and will try to keep up the blogging as I travel around. God Bless!
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
This is my last week and it is already Tuesday. I have a 4 hour cumulative final on Friday. I am so excited to be headed for outreach a week from now.
I haven't been taking enough time to really look back on all that I have learned because I am studying for the final on Friday but I am hoping to while on outreach. Still, I would like to take a short time now to reflect on the past 12 weeks so that you may know what God has been teaching me. And perhaps better understand why it is that God placed me in this school through you.
1) An intro week to the course and a overall perspective of its goals to enhance our knowledge of God and give us the tools to communicate Him to both Children and Adults without any loss in content or significance. This was a great motivation for me. I could see God wanting me to pursue Him and seek Him. It also served another purpose; it provided me with the basis with which to test if I was really understanding the material. If I can effectively teach Christ to both a child and an adult without losing content or power I will have truly mastered the material.
2) This week was bible survey week. In one week we go through the entire bible focusing on the "big Picture" - God's redemption of mankind. This week emphasized the old testament prophecies and stage setting for Jesus' coming, death, and resurrection. This was the first time that I had ever seen the big picture presented to me. I have been taught stories out of order and out of context with what the bible was trying to say. This week brought me to a new level of love for God by seeing His hand work all things out for the good of those that love Him.
3) This was a teaching on the Inductive Bible Study Method. It is one of the many ways to look at the bible and do an in depth study of it. It operates under the primary formula of
"Content + Context= Meaning." This was a great tool for me to learn. t provides so much knowledge of scripture and allows for God's word to impact my life in a more powerful way.
4) This was the Basic Christian Doctrine week. We went through the first 9 chapters of Romans searching for what Paul was communicating in what is called, "the most succinct gospel chapters in the bible," effectively summarizing the entire gospel in just 9 powerful chapters. This really gave me hope that all that Christ has reveled to us is simple and straight forward. It smacks of the truth and welcomes any challenge to its claims. This week was life changing. I no longer question whether or not God exists through my suffering or circumstances.
5) This week was a video series on the Beatitudes that are found in Matthew chapter 5. It setup a biblical model for brokenness and service of Christ. Beginning with the realization that we can't do anything without Him and ending with a deeper hunger for God that only repeats the cycle from brokenness to hunger. This week was a very heart breaking time for me. God drew me into deeper intimacy with him through only a few versus of the Bible and left me wanting more of Him.
6) We had our introduction to worldviews - a worldview is the way people perceive the world, in other words the way they believe that the world works and the way they act according to those beliefs. This week was a large kick in the butt to wake up and smell the flowers. Ideas have consequences and it was time for us to start living out of a place of conscious love for Christ.
7) This week was on Cross Cultural Communication. We had the privilege of learning from a professor of CCC at Moody Bible Institute. This laid the ground work for viewing cultures and ourselves correctly so that we may effectively minister Christ cross culturally. This was a hilarious week of weird food and old time jokes. Dr Ray Badgero really extended to us a model that works within any culture we are placed in, allowing for us to really love people and their culture.
8) This week was the presentation of our worldview projects. we each had been given a project to research, explain, and teach one of the major worldviews of today. I had the topic of communism. This week opened my eyes to how much of the West has been impregnated with communist ideas and ideals. It brought into sharper focus the need for a Biblical view of the world and the need of the belief of God in order for our country to remain working the way it was designed to.
9) This week was another video series by the late Francis Schaeffer. It is titled "How Then Should We Live." At its core it shows the history of dominant thoughts about God, morality, and Man and how they influence all aspects of societies. He lead this up to where we are at today in society and how we arrived here. This week showed me the power of an idea. God can, will, and does change hearts and minds.
10) This week was on Post modernism and the emergent church. These are the two main roles that can be seen as dominant in society. Post-modern is the time that we are considered to be in right now. It is an age where the youth are casting off the systems of the old because they have not worked for them. This can be seen very easily in the 60's and 70's and more subtly today. The Emergent church is the new breed of church that produces such things as "relevant" magazine and other such publications.
11) This week touched on the competing beliefs systems to Christianity. This was facilitated by Dr. Ron Carlson, one of the worlds foremost expert on cults and world religions. This week gave me a concise explanation of the major religions of today and what the Bible says in contrast to them. This is a wonderful tool for me to witness to people of all religions.
12) This was a week on apologetics. Which is simply giving a reasonable answer for why you believe the Bible to be true. This week was by far the most intellectually challenging but was one of my favorite. It really was amazing to see how this world truly proclaims the Glory of God. Creation is evidence of his handiwork. And I will never look at it the same way again. I can now only marvel at the simplest construction of God's creativity.
Needless to say I have been up to ALOT the past few weeks! :-P
God bless you all and I look forward to telling you stories from Thailand and the Philippines.
I haven't been taking enough time to really look back on all that I have learned because I am studying for the final on Friday but I am hoping to while on outreach. Still, I would like to take a short time now to reflect on the past 12 weeks so that you may know what God has been teaching me. And perhaps better understand why it is that God placed me in this school through you.
1) An intro week to the course and a overall perspective of its goals to enhance our knowledge of God and give us the tools to communicate Him to both Children and Adults without any loss in content or significance. This was a great motivation for me. I could see God wanting me to pursue Him and seek Him. It also served another purpose; it provided me with the basis with which to test if I was really understanding the material. If I can effectively teach Christ to both a child and an adult without losing content or power I will have truly mastered the material.
2) This week was bible survey week. In one week we go through the entire bible focusing on the "big Picture" - God's redemption of mankind. This week emphasized the old testament prophecies and stage setting for Jesus' coming, death, and resurrection. This was the first time that I had ever seen the big picture presented to me. I have been taught stories out of order and out of context with what the bible was trying to say. This week brought me to a new level of love for God by seeing His hand work all things out for the good of those that love Him.
3) This was a teaching on the Inductive Bible Study Method. It is one of the many ways to look at the bible and do an in depth study of it. It operates under the primary formula of
"Content + Context= Meaning." This was a great tool for me to learn. t provides so much knowledge of scripture and allows for God's word to impact my life in a more powerful way.
4) This was the Basic Christian Doctrine week. We went through the first 9 chapters of Romans searching for what Paul was communicating in what is called, "the most succinct gospel chapters in the bible," effectively summarizing the entire gospel in just 9 powerful chapters. This really gave me hope that all that Christ has reveled to us is simple and straight forward. It smacks of the truth and welcomes any challenge to its claims. This week was life changing. I no longer question whether or not God exists through my suffering or circumstances.
5) This week was a video series on the Beatitudes that are found in Matthew chapter 5. It setup a biblical model for brokenness and service of Christ. Beginning with the realization that we can't do anything without Him and ending with a deeper hunger for God that only repeats the cycle from brokenness to hunger. This week was a very heart breaking time for me. God drew me into deeper intimacy with him through only a few versus of the Bible and left me wanting more of Him.
6) We had our introduction to worldviews - a worldview is the way people perceive the world, in other words the way they believe that the world works and the way they act according to those beliefs. This week was a large kick in the butt to wake up and smell the flowers. Ideas have consequences and it was time for us to start living out of a place of conscious love for Christ.
7) This week was on Cross Cultural Communication. We had the privilege of learning from a professor of CCC at Moody Bible Institute. This laid the ground work for viewing cultures and ourselves correctly so that we may effectively minister Christ cross culturally. This was a hilarious week of weird food and old time jokes. Dr Ray Badgero really extended to us a model that works within any culture we are placed in, allowing for us to really love people and their culture.
8) This week was the presentation of our worldview projects. we each had been given a project to research, explain, and teach one of the major worldviews of today. I had the topic of communism. This week opened my eyes to how much of the West has been impregnated with communist ideas and ideals. It brought into sharper focus the need for a Biblical view of the world and the need of the belief of God in order for our country to remain working the way it was designed to.
9) This week was another video series by the late Francis Schaeffer. It is titled "How Then Should We Live." At its core it shows the history of dominant thoughts about God, morality, and Man and how they influence all aspects of societies. He lead this up to where we are at today in society and how we arrived here. This week showed me the power of an idea. God can, will, and does change hearts and minds.
10) This week was on Post modernism and the emergent church. These are the two main roles that can be seen as dominant in society. Post-modern is the time that we are considered to be in right now. It is an age where the youth are casting off the systems of the old because they have not worked for them. This can be seen very easily in the 60's and 70's and more subtly today. The Emergent church is the new breed of church that produces such things as "relevant" magazine and other such publications.
11) This week touched on the competing beliefs systems to Christianity. This was facilitated by Dr. Ron Carlson, one of the worlds foremost expert on cults and world religions. This week gave me a concise explanation of the major religions of today and what the Bible says in contrast to them. This is a wonderful tool for me to witness to people of all religions.
12) This was a week on apologetics. Which is simply giving a reasonable answer for why you believe the Bible to be true. This week was by far the most intellectually challenging but was one of my favorite. It really was amazing to see how this world truly proclaims the Glory of God. Creation is evidence of his handiwork. And I will never look at it the same way again. I can now only marvel at the simplest construction of God's creativity.
Needless to say I have been up to ALOT the past few weeks! :-P
God bless you all and I look forward to telling you stories from Thailand and the Philippines.
Sunday, December 2, 2007
School is done in 2 weeks and it is taking a lot of love from Jesus and your prayers to keep me going. I am definitely worn out and rubbed raw. This school has taught me so much about God and the world around me. Thank you all so much for your prayers and support in getting me to this school and providing for me.
I am now changing my focus to outreach, which is coming up very quickly. You all have done so much for me and I thank you so much. Through you God has changed my whole outlook on life. He has so much in store for each one of us. Through him all things are possible, and its through Him that we gain all things. I leave on the 18th for Thailand and then on to the Philippines. Money and prayer has been coming in from you all and I am so humbled by it. You are teaching me and providing loving examples of what the family of God is all about. I tell you with tears, thank you for changing my life. Thank you.
So the money is coming in left and right. Thank you all for praying for me. I still need money for getting some clothes for the Philippines. I came prepared for cold weather before I learned that I was getting to go to the Philippines so I need to go get a couple more pairs of shorts. I only have 2! I am praying for you all daily. And I am praying that He will teach you more and more about Himself. It is only by the Holy Spirit that we can say that Jesus Christ is Lord. May God Bless you!!
School is done in 2 weeks and it is taking a lot of love from Jesus and your prayers to keep me going. I am definitely worn out and rubbed raw. This school has taught me so much about God and the world around me. Thank you all so much for your prayers and support in getting me to this school and providing for me.
I am now changing my focus to outreach, which is coming up very quickly. You all have done so much for me and I thank you so much. Through you God has changed my whole outlook on life. He has so much in store for each one of us. Through him all things are possible, and its through Him that we gain all things. I leave on the 18th for Thailand and then on to the Philippines. Money and prayer has been coming in from you all and I am so humbled by it. You are teaching me and providing loving examples of what the family of God is all about. I tell you with tears, thank you for changing my life. Thank you.
So the money is coming in left and right. Thank you all for praying for me. I still need money for getting some clothes for the Philippines. I came prepared for cold weather before I learned that I was getting to go to the Philippines so I need to go get a couple more pairs of shorts. I only have 2! I am praying for you all daily. And I am praying that He will teach you more and more about Himself. It is only by the Holy Spirit that we can say that Jesus Christ is Lord. May God Bless you!!
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving!
Greetings from the lecture hall as we just completed the reading of the whole new testament in two days!
We are ending the week a little early because of thanksgiving and I am praying that you all have a great time getting together with family or celebrating some traditions of your own. I am so excited to have a few extra days of rest and relaxation in order to recover from the past few weeks. And I am looking forward to spending some extra time with the Lord, going over with Him what I have learned so that I can begin to apply it to my life so that I may show Christ more through my life.
Today is the day that $1500 dollars is due for my plane ticket to the Philippines was due and I am rejoicing because of the Lord and His faithfulness to provide. As of last night I had only $1100 towards my plane ticket when I got a phone call from one of my family members who wanted to help me with the ticket. I got the check this morning and I have enough money to buy the plane ticket! Thank you all for your prayers and support.
During this week I have been humbled by Jesus. I need to rely on Him more, ask Him more, and involve Him more in every area of my life. He wants to be part of my day.He wants to walk and talk with me on everything. This has been so hard for me, despite all I am learning I still find myself forgetting about God and going about my day without involving Him. I am not trying to be hard on myself, I just really want to know Jesus. I read about what He has done for His people and what He has done for all mankind through His death on the cross and resurrection, saving us from our sins and bringing us from death to life. But those are just things that He does. Please understand I am not saying that they are not the most important things in all of history, by no means! What I want to get across is my burning desire to KNOW the person of God not just what He does. I want to know WHO He is and experience a relationship that rivals that of a husband and wife, an intimate and unquenchable loving realtionship. This is what He promises all of His children, He knows us more than we know ourselves and we can know Him the same. He is our father and I want to know His intimate love. Please keep me in your prayers, as I seek after the heart of God. And I pray for you the same, that you will dive into a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ; choosing everyday to love Him with all of your heart, mind, and strength.
Greetings from the lecture hall as we just completed the reading of the whole new testament in two days!
We are ending the week a little early because of thanksgiving and I am praying that you all have a great time getting together with family or celebrating some traditions of your own. I am so excited to have a few extra days of rest and relaxation in order to recover from the past few weeks. And I am looking forward to spending some extra time with the Lord, going over with Him what I have learned so that I can begin to apply it to my life so that I may show Christ more through my life.
Today is the day that $1500 dollars is due for my plane ticket to the Philippines was due and I am rejoicing because of the Lord and His faithfulness to provide. As of last night I had only $1100 towards my plane ticket when I got a phone call from one of my family members who wanted to help me with the ticket. I got the check this morning and I have enough money to buy the plane ticket! Thank you all for your prayers and support.
During this week I have been humbled by Jesus. I need to rely on Him more, ask Him more, and involve Him more in every area of my life. He wants to be part of my day.He wants to walk and talk with me on everything. This has been so hard for me, despite all I am learning I still find myself forgetting about God and going about my day without involving Him. I am not trying to be hard on myself, I just really want to know Jesus. I read about what He has done for His people and what He has done for all mankind through His death on the cross and resurrection, saving us from our sins and bringing us from death to life. But those are just things that He does. Please understand I am not saying that they are not the most important things in all of history, by no means! What I want to get across is my burning desire to KNOW the person of God not just what He does. I want to know WHO He is and experience a relationship that rivals that of a husband and wife, an intimate and unquenchable loving realtionship. This is what He promises all of His children, He knows us more than we know ourselves and we can know Him the same. He is our father and I want to know His intimate love. Please keep me in your prayers, as I seek after the heart of God. And I pray for you the same, that you will dive into a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ; choosing everyday to love Him with all of your heart, mind, and strength.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Hello everyone!

I have just finished a week on world religions. The heart behind the week is 2 Corinthians 10:5 "We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ."
We were placed into groups to study, report, and then present about Secular Humanism, Communism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and New Age. I have learned so much in this past week that my whole body is tired. But this week was one of the cief reasons that I wanted to attend this school. The Lord's heart is for people to be saved and discipled and understanding other religious beliefs provides such a profound tool for accomplishing this. Through the knowledge of what people believe we can see and minister to their hearts. At the same time, working effectively to present a biblical explanation and example for them to receive Christ.
Let me tell you that Christ is truly our only hope. No other belief can stand up to the knowledge of Jesus Christ. He is infinitely holy and lovingly personal. The Bible is the only basis for absolute truth and compassion. Praise the Lord for revealing it to us.
Thank you all so much for your prayers. This whole week has been very exhausting but The Lord's grace is sufficient everyday. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support. Your prayers make every bit of difference in my life.
I am praying for you all daily and am hoping for a great thanksgiving celebration with family and friends for you all. I am hoping to be back home for at least a few days during the holidays to enjoy your company. I love and miss you all. God Bless!
I have just finished a week on world religions. The heart behind the week is 2 Corinthians 10:5 "We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ."
We were placed into groups to study, report, and then present about Secular Humanism, Communism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and New Age. I have learned so much in this past week that my whole body is tired. But this week was one of the cief reasons that I wanted to attend this school. The Lord's heart is for people to be saved and discipled and understanding other religious beliefs provides such a profound tool for accomplishing this. Through the knowledge of what people believe we can see and minister to their hearts. At the same time, working effectively to present a biblical explanation and example for them to receive Christ.
Let me tell you that Christ is truly our only hope. No other belief can stand up to the knowledge of Jesus Christ. He is infinitely holy and lovingly personal. The Bible is the only basis for absolute truth and compassion. Praise the Lord for revealing it to us.
Thank you all so much for your prayers. This whole week has been very exhausting but The Lord's grace is sufficient everyday. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support. Your prayers make every bit of difference in my life.
I am praying for you all daily and am hoping for a great thanksgiving celebration with family and friends for you all. I am hoping to be back home for at least a few days during the holidays to enjoy your company. I love and miss you all. God Bless!
Monday, November 5, 2007
Well hello there everyone! I have meant to get my monthly support letter out to you all but homework has been keeping me rather busy. We just finished our most laborious project this week, an essay with 2 hour presentation on a particular worldview, and I am looking forward to seeing some daylight, ha!
Thank you all for your prayers and support, I could definately use any encouragement I can get! You all are my support team. I am submitted to your authority, to be honest you are the men and women who keep me on the ground, holding me back from floating off somewhere random, dissalutioned and tired. I gain all my strength from your prayers and support. You are so needed in this team effort of missions. Please email me anything that the Lord gives you while praying for me. Or any suggestions you have for me please I am open and I fully realize how much I don't know. Our lord Jesus Christ gifts us all differently for specific reasons, that reason is to help and support others, together and only together can we fullfill the great commission.
""All authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Song and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." (Matthew 28:12-20) This is what we are called to as christians, and this can only be done through you and I supporting eachother through Christ.
I love you all, God Bless.
P.S. anyone can now leave comments, I realized that this was not setup correctly so now you can just post your comments here and may not have to email me with your comments.
Thank you all for your prayers and support, I could definately use any encouragement I can get! You all are my support team. I am submitted to your authority, to be honest you are the men and women who keep me on the ground, holding me back from floating off somewhere random, dissalutioned and tired. I gain all my strength from your prayers and support. You are so needed in this team effort of missions. Please email me anything that the Lord gives you while praying for me. Or any suggestions you have for me please I am open and I fully realize how much I don't know. Our lord Jesus Christ gifts us all differently for specific reasons, that reason is to help and support others, together and only together can we fullfill the great commission.
""All authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Song and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." (Matthew 28:12-20) This is what we are called to as christians, and this can only be done through you and I supporting eachother through Christ.
I love you all, God Bless.
P.S. anyone can now leave comments, I realized that this was not setup correctly so now you can just post your comments here and may not have to email me with your comments.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
I am now in my 7th week, we are learning about cross cultural communication and it is hilarious. We are being given the tools to analyze cultures and settings so that we may properly present the information we have to any culture within the culture, without trying to change it or impress on them our own. Its fun stuff, learning gestures and mannerisms.
I am doing fantastic, the lord is drawing me into deeper relationship to him, he has been getting so close that I almost don't want to breath. He has been teaching me about his presence during my quiet times and hearing his voice. And I mean actually hearing his voice not feeling his voice. He has taken down my defences and has been speaking to my heart. Thank you all for your prayers and support, it is only you and Jesus that can keep me going, my strength was left in the dust long ago.
Please be praying for me that I can keep on going, diving headlong into his heart and plans for me. I would also ask if you read this today to pray for my extended family, a lot of us are on island here and we are all going out to lunch today with my Grandpa. So pray that we have a great time and that Christ is shown through us.
You are his beloved people, he came down and let himself be subject to death for your sins. For while you were still sinners he loved you and died for you. That is true love, that one man would lay down his life for his friend. I love you all, God bless
I am doing fantastic, the lord is drawing me into deeper relationship to him, he has been getting so close that I almost don't want to breath. He has been teaching me about his presence during my quiet times and hearing his voice. And I mean actually hearing his voice not feeling his voice. He has taken down my defences and has been speaking to my heart. Thank you all for your prayers and support, it is only you and Jesus that can keep me going, my strength was left in the dust long ago.
Please be praying for me that I can keep on going, diving headlong into his heart and plans for me. I would also ask if you read this today to pray for my extended family, a lot of us are on island here and we are all going out to lunch today with my Grandpa. So pray that we have a great time and that Christ is shown through us.
You are his beloved people, he came down and let himself be subject to death for your sins. For while you were still sinners he loved you and died for you. That is true love, that one man would lay down his life for his friend. I love you all, God bless
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
OH NO!!!
My computer decided it had taken its last email and suddenly died on me! Please pray for the computer to either start working again or the money for a new one and fast. This is the worst time for my computer to go down as all my projects were on it and they are all do soon. This is an obvious attack and please help me come against it in any way. The lord has something up his sleeve. ;-)
Friday, October 19, 2007
The Beaitudes week has been so deep and intimate. By expouding the words and meanings of the original greek an entire new sense of what it means to be a "kingdom kid" to use the word loosely. I have not fully digested and processed the content of this week, homework pile is getting a little daunting. I am not sure when I will get through it all. Please be praying for my brain it has been on a crash course of christian information for the past few weeks and enjoys its breaks, ha! I miss you all and am praying for you too.
Also I mentioned that the ministry we are going to in the philppenes for outreach is call "Hope For the Island" here is their website. We got some more updats today about outreach. it still looks like its going to be around $3000 dollars and we think we will be leaving on the 14th to thailand for 2 weeks, we will be working with YWAM bangkok, and then down to the philippens for the remaining 2 -1/2 months. So far that is all I know. Love you all!
Also I mentioned that the ministry we are going to in the philppenes for outreach is call "Hope For the Island" here is their website. We got some more updats today about outreach. it still looks like its going to be around $3000 dollars and we think we will be leaving on the 14th to thailand for 2 weeks, we will be working with YWAM bangkok, and then down to the philippens for the remaining 2 -1/2 months. So far that is all I know. Love you all!
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Philippines Flag
This is now the 5th week and the topic is the Beatitudes (Matthew 5:1-12) it opens and unpacks in a word by word study the meaning of things like "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs in the kingdom of heaven."
Thank you all for your prayers and support the Lord has provided $1800 dollars for outreach, which means I only need $1200 more by December. Once again the Lord has shown himself to be faithful and loving. It is so encouraging to see all the pieces of the puzzle God has placed before me being put together and the picture coming into sight. It makes me almost giddy to think of it all, so I try to take my time on each thing not to lose my head, Ha! I am thankful for all you men and women of God who pray and support me. I really can do none of this without you, and God keeps reminding me almost hourly, we cannot do any of this without him.
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
While I am still here though let me tell you a little about what has been going on. The Lord has been teaching me some amazing things about himself and the world around me. For instance, the bible says that The Lord holds everything together, have you ever thought about the implications of that? That means that not only did God create the world out of nothing, but that out of his unconditional love for us He continues to sustain it, keeping the natural laws of gravity and inertia and such going simply because of his love for us, if he forgot or didn't want to anymore they and we may not exist. How often I seem to think that this world is just a machine run by laws that cannot change. Even though this world is not a part of God it definitely shows us parts of His character and exclaims his wild and crazy love for us. And I have been standing in awe. maybe a better word is dumbstruck.
Take care, and I am praying for you all daily. God bless you.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
The First week is over and needless to say I don't have very much free time, if any. The last week has been outstanding. It was the introduction week to all that this SBFM course will discuss as well as the heart behind why it is they are running the school. ( If you would like to know more click the SBFM resource link.) This week is Bible survey - Looking at the big picture given to us by the Old Testament. The whole point is to get a clear picture of what the biblical answer is to life's most basic questions:
- Where did we come from?
- Who are we?
- Why are we here?
- Why are we the way we are?
- Where are we going?
- How should we live?
God bless you. I look forward to telling you of what I learned next week.
- Where did we come from?
- Who are we?
- Why are we here?
- Why are we the way we are?
- Where are we going?
- How should we live?
God bless you. I look forward to telling you of what I learned next week.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
This school has already proved to be everything I have been waiting for, praise the Lord for his perfect timing! I am already being SO challenged by both God and the Teachers here. Please pray for widom, revelation, and understanding for me as already we have been assigned 3 books and the first 25 chapters of Gensis to have read by friday.
I love you all so much and I am praying for you all daily
Thursday, September 13, 2007
SO I am here in Maui. Here is the story: 3 days ago, after me and Daniel's going away party at my house, I begin to count and get ready to go to the beank with all the money I have been donated over the past two months while back home. So $945 dollars donated to me at the party, $200 from my mom, thank you mom, $600 from a long term supporter comes to the grand total of $1745. And wouldn't you know it I found another check for, you guessed it $30 dollars in my bible bringing me to the WHOPPING total of $1775 3 days before I need it. Praise the Lord. I made it here and am going to start the school Monday. I can't wait, thank you all for the support and prayers. If it wasn't for you all I wouldn't even have left my bedroom let alone come all the way to Maui in the name of Jesus.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
God has been doing some even more amzing things in my life since I have been back in California. I have been growing closer to him while I has this time off to relax and see what he has planned for my life (the next step anyways) and help my family with whatever they need.
The Lord through his body provided the money that I needed for the fist half of tuition on the DAY that I needed it. PRAISE THE LORD!!!. Thanks to all who helped. Nothing I do can be done without you.
I still need the other half tuition. A whopping $1,775 by Sept 12, 2007 which is now less then a month away. Please prayerfully consider any support you wish to donate. But more importantly please keep me in your prayers. I have given my life and included in that, this trip to the Lord it is his to provide for, and I am trusting in him for all I need. God Bless.
The Lord through his body provided the money that I needed for the fist half of tuition on the DAY that I needed it. PRAISE THE LORD!!!. Thanks to all who helped. Nothing I do can be done without you.
I still need the other half tuition. A whopping $1,775 by Sept 12, 2007 which is now less then a month away. Please prayerfully consider any support you wish to donate. But more importantly please keep me in your prayers. I have given my life and included in that, this trip to the Lord it is his to provide for, and I am trusting in him for all I need. God Bless.
Monday, July 30, 2007
Back At Home
Well I am back home and am raising support to do the YWAM SBFM, (
The last year of my life has definately been an interesting one to say the least. I have been at YWAM on Maui in the Hawaiian islands.(click here for a tour The last three months have been intense and powerful as I have seen God move in new ways not only within me but in the world and his body. I need $1,775 by august 2nd 2007 and an additional $1,775 by Sept 12th for the full cost of the school being $3,550. Thank you all for your prayers and support. What God does through me cannot be done without you.
Here are some pictures of the ministry my team and I did in Borneo and Thailand. (
The last year of my life has definately been an interesting one to say the least. I have been at YWAM on Maui in the Hawaiian islands.(click here for a tour The last three months have been intense and powerful as I have seen God move in new ways not only within me but in the world and his body. I need $1,775 by august 2nd 2007 and an additional $1,775 by Sept 12th for the full cost of the school being $3,550. Thank you all for your prayers and support. What God does through me cannot be done without you.
Here are some pictures of the ministry my team and I did in Borneo and Thailand. (
Sunday, April 8, 2007
Saturday, April 7, 2007
Bangkok Thailand
It is now my 8th day in bangkok and the thai culture is AMAZING. We have been doing outreach prep and going out into the slums and sharing and playing with people and kids. It has been an amazing experience to find people who have never heard the name of Jesus and we are still in the Big cities I don't know what ewill happen when we go into the jungles of borneo on tuesday. We have been prophesying over the ywam thailand base helping to encourage and refresh the full time missionaries here and abroad. We have been doing prayer walks and we held a 24 hour prayer day on thursday to friday seeking god's heart not only for thailand but for our roles in Borneo seeking his will for who we should talk to and where we should go and for Holy Spirit to go ahead of us and blase the trail for us. I can't wait till we get on the plane monday for Kuching Malaysia and then our 10 hour bus ride to pontionak indonesia!
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