Welcome To The Adventure!

We are ordinary people trying to obey the word of an extraordinary God.
These are our travels.

Monday, December 1, 2008

The Holidays

It has been over a month since my last post. Which is far, far, to long. God and I have been doing so many things that free time has been in short supply. Through it all God has been showing himself faithful, caring, and oh so hilarious.

80 people = 160 pounds of turkey, 35 pounds of stuffing, 40 pounds of mashed potatoes, and 30 pounds of sweet potatoes. We simultaneously cooked 8 turkeys in different ovens, house, and even towns! Let me say that I am now a thanksgiving master and yes.... I am more than willing to do it again.

4 day weekend;
A bunch of guys and I decided that the long weekend was a glorious opportunity to do some good old fashioned camping. I say old fashioned because we kind of forgot simple things like.. a grill, fire wood, food.. Although the out look seemed a little grim, it was the best time I have had camping. We were up in the beutiful poli poli recreational park on the south side of the local valcano.

here is where we slept
We hiked and goofed-off like only men can do for two whole days. Priceless memories and definitely no pictures *wink*

I am going to be in California on December 18th - 3rd of January. I have no idea what I will be doing so call me up and we will go from there.

God Bless

Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Waterfall

Some have been asking to see the waterfall specifically... So here is a picture.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Living Life

God has continued to be faithful to me. Over and over again He comes and provides in each situation of need. Thank you all for your prayers and support. As of today I have every debt paid. And I am relying on God for continued insurance payments as the months of recovery and eventual surgery are on the horizon.

I also have been considered as DTS staff for the winter quarter. Which means I will have the opportunity to be placed in charge of a team to disciple and eventually take overseas.

Your prayers and support are the only reason that I am so healthy, so well provided for and so positive. God is with His people. He is with you as you pray to Him. We have not because we ask not. Prayerlesness is something that He has been convicting me on in these past weeks. God is the only one who can change a man's heart. He alone can change a hopeless situation around. I have been so broken in this area of my life. Do you love your family enough to actually change their lives for the better? Will you fight for your friends who are going through a ruff time? Will you rely on the sole provider of your life for all the things that you need?

I worry about money, drama in my family, painful situation with friends; God stands opposite with His promises having altready been spoken - I will never leave you nor forsake you: I will give you the desires of your heart: I will work out ALL things for the good of those that love me.

"So do you trust me?" God asks. My response was a scared and painful," yes." And here I am having all that I need.

What do you choose?

Sunday, October 19, 2008

God Is Really There

Its been only 4 weeks

But God Is faithful and His mercies are truly new everymorning.

Here I am

Friday, October 3, 2008

So there was an accident

Last Friday me and the guys were going on a midday excursion to the jungles of Maui. I happened upon a waterfall and while trying to jump decided to trip and fall about 20 feet. Pin-balling on the way down.

Everything has gone great! I need serious help however with prayer financial provision. Insurance is being difficult and because of being asked to live this life by God i have no money to pay for anything with.

God has been teaching me so many things through this time, but because of my wrist its super hard to type anything. please please call me. 714 454 7332

Monday, September 15, 2008

The School is HERE!

Thank you all so much for your prayers. They really do change everything. Over and over again I have begun to see God be Himself. Because of my position as kitchen head, I get to see how God provides for this base through the simple thing of food. All of us worry about things, and now a days the price of food is creeping up on our list of things to worry about. Well, have I got a story for you.

I serve people food here at ywam maui on $2.00 a day, that is right, breakfast, lunch, and dinner; $2.00 dollars A DAY. With that requires an incredible acrobatic feat of budgeting and more faith in the Lord being our provider than I have ever needed before. With that said, here is what happened.

I was in Costco looking at my list of things to buy. Every week I make a menu and write out my list of things that I need for each day. Today I had $433 dollars left to spend here at Costco but I had that sinking feeling that it wouldn't be enough to get all that we need for the 90 people I serve here on base all the meals for an entire week. But I know that the Lord is who He says that He is, so I just go and start grabbing what I need. I keep a running total of how much I have spent to make sure that I don't go over budget. So, about half way through I realize I am not going to make my budget and I begin to skimp on things, I need 6 cases of eggs but I I cut it down to five to save an extra 12 dollars, and I continue shopping. Well, about 3/4 of the way now I KNOW I am not going to make it but I continue to shop anyways. And finally, here I am at the last item, 7 bags of tortillas, prie if 8 dollars a bag. As I do the math and begin to add it to my running total I fight back tears standing in the baking aisle at our local Costco. The total..... $421 and right at the moment God speaks so clearly to me and tears begin to fall, he says,"How many times must I tell you who I am." Still fighting back tears and slowly walk back to the cold section and grab the $12 dollar case of eggs that I had not boughten because I didn't think I had enough. Bringing the grand total of everything that I needed down to the very last thing to $433. God is who He says that He is.

Wow it has been an interesting few weeks. We have been getting prepared for the 28 new students coming to participate in our fall program. They all come from different walks of life, but each and every one has been brought here by God for a specific purpose. I am so excited to see what God has got in store for them during their time here with us.

So, in preparation for the this school, I have been doing everything from scrubbing my kitchen floor to doing tune-ups on all of our big green vans to making sure all my paper-work is filled out perfectly. In short I have been ridiculously busy.I have some pictures of my escpades as well as pictures with some of the new staff and students, that I will post today as well.

Thank you for your prayers and support.

Quote of the week," There is just one problem with prayer, God ansers it."

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Kitchen Times

Times are beginning to speed up around here. The 5 person summer school is about to leave on their outreach and the 45 person fall school is winding up. That's right.. 45 people just in the school which puts me at a grand total of right around 100 people to cook 3 square meals a day, 7 days a week, for three whole months. In case you were wondering that is 27,300 meals! And you thought it was hard for you to whip something up for dinner.

So many things are beginning to kick off now that we are settling in for the busiest time of the year. New staff have come in and I have begun training them for the task that is ahead of them. They are such an interesting group; God sure has some creativity. And I would like to introduce them to you.

Ashley Montgomery
She is a hilarious young women from Colorado that loves the Lord and, Lucky for me *wink* LOVES to bake!

Ray Latronica
This Young man is from Northern California, laughs at almost everything and is back here on staff to train others to seek after the Lord and hope in Jesus as He does.

Life moves on. We grow deeper with our friends and family. And for us out here on the Maui frontier we have set our eyes on Jesus and nothing will hold us back. Please be praying with me that these new staff will grow closer in intimacy with Christ, there savior and King. Thank you.

Monday, August 4, 2008


The waiting game seems like forever sometimes. We wait for people, meetings, work, sleep, food, breaks. We wait for life to some and tell us what is next or where to go from here. But I have given up all of that and now wait for something that people only realize they need when life has seemed to pass them by.

God works in mysterious ways. He will tell us something and then, right on the cusp of you forgetting it He will come and, through circumstance, remind you of what He has spoken. Today was one of those days where God took up his bullhorn and decided it was time to set some things straight.

We each have a reason to live. Some of us choose things or people or systems, but each of us has something that we live our lives for. As for the general Christian consensus we would say that we live for Jesus Christ. Please do not misunderstand, while this is completely correct this is not what I am trying to explain to you. I wish to go much deeper.

I am in search of my destiny, my mission, what I was placed on this earth at this specific time in history for. Each of you has a story, a progression of events leading to a defining moment. Some of us take years to find it, others whole lifetimes, and worse still some never even ask the question.

I have lost sight of the grand story that we live in today as mankind. I have been caught up in the hopelessness of this day and age. And today He has set me straight. He placed me here at YWAM to have the time, courage, and opportunity to pursue what He has for me; to run after it with all of my strength and heart.

I am looking for His great cause for my life and being. You have provided me with an oppurtunity of such great magnitude that so few get. And so I am await His reply.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Hello Everyone

Me with one of the DTS students

This past week has kind of been a weird one. I am facing quite a dilemma. I seem to have run out of things to give up to the Lord. Impossible you say... I know it sounds hard to believe and presumptuous to even think about but let me explain the situation a little bit more.

I have nothing left to give Him, not because there isn't anything bad left inside me to give up; it is really that I have given up so much that currently I am without ideas as to what is left of me. I think that the Lord has changed my life from, "what are you willing to give me," to a life of more creativity by now saying, "now let us see what I have given to you." As change usually is for me with the Lord, this switch has been very quick and, also as usual, not so timely.

The School Banner

I am always caught by God like a deer in the headlights. I will be headed one way and then BAMM! blindsided by His plans for me. This time though it is quite interesting to note that He hasn't given me anything new. I have no new project, no new mission; He stands in front of me and simply asks a question that I feel as though I should have the answer to. Who are you: what are you here for: and how have I built you for that purpose? While this should be 3 questions I believe that they are so interconnected that they must be asked all at once.

perhaps you can shed some light on the subject

Now you see my dilemma, it is something - I suppose - that all men must ask at sometime in their lives, this now is my time.

Care to help with what gifts you see in me, or anything that the Lord is speaking to you: please comment. I am pretty open to any suggestions. *chuckle*

Sunday, July 13, 2008

It has been over a month since my last post. Life had gotten into a bit of a routine with us here on base and to write about routine is rather, well.. impossible. Turns out that nothing is very routine for us here at YWAM Maui.

Sue Fluger

During that time things relationally here on base started to get a little funky. It started out slightly, perhaps someone chose to go out by themselves to the beach that day, or maybe just decided to hide in their room for some rest. While none of these are bad in and of themselves, they slowly piled up into a mountain of little things that was breaking our family here apart. After all here at YWAM Maui we are a family. We live, work, eat, sleep, and pray within feet of each other every single day.
Kieva Daughtery and Nick Ryan

Turns out that satan had been doing some attacking on our relationships here as we have begun to really move forward in a new phase of the base. We really began to notice it in the past week as the oppression was really becoming just unbearable. Life began to really get hard and we all felt like we were going through it alone. We all got together finally after a lot of praying and asking the Lord for guidance as everyone now was more then just alone, they were hurting and very sensitive. We began to come together in small groups at first and then larger and larger groups randomly as the Lord led us to talk openly about how we were feeling and what should be done about life here on base. God really brought us to the heart of family. Family spends time with each other, they lean on one another as they get weary. We have really begun to turn back to communicating what are hearts are an remaining open to other to pour into us. The attack is certainly not over but we are beginning to push satan back.

Rachel Whaby

These pictures are photos of some of my family here at YWAM Maui. We are a family because we seek to love one another as Christ loves us. Family is there for one another. They comfort those who are hurting and those who feel they can't go on. I have chosen to love these men and women with all my heart. Yes it hurts sometimes, but everyday God reminds me how much they are worth it.

They may never know how much I love them but that doesn't mean that I will ever stop. Pray for us whenever the Lord puts us on your heart. We are out here training youth to love Christ with all their hearts and to live out what He has spoken in His Holy Scriptures. With that comes battles in life and in the heavenly places. This life of ours is for real and challenging but it is what God has asked of us, how then could we do any different?

Monday, May 26, 2008

Another Fine Couple Of Weeks In Paradise

Being in charge of the kitchen has definitely been an up hill battle of challenges. Who knew that some day I would be making food for almost 100 people in just a few weeks. Daniel Jenkins just recently arrived as well as some more 3 month volunteers. ( I will post some pictures of them at work as soon as I take them.)

Life here is moving right along and God is making me grow daily.

To be honest I have been doing a poor job of keeping in contact wit you all. I am not sure how to go about doing it better. So please leave a comment with the best way to get in contact with you over a long period of time. I need to get more on top of communicating all things that go on in this crazy life of mine.

I pray that you can forgive me and give me some ideas to really step up to task that could potentially go on for the rest of my life.

Monday, May 12, 2008


As usual so much has been happening to me in the past two weeks that I am behind on updating you all.

Let me being with saying I had a wonderful birthday and thank you to everyone for all the cards and encouragements. It was a nice and quiet party, just the way I like them. It is so amazing to not only think that I am now 21 but that I have been in YWAM now for two years!

It has been 2 years of such intense growth. Jesus brought me from a pit of a selfish and empty life. I had almost everything and non of it fulfilled, it could only fill the void in my heart for a short time. i spent years of my life trying to numb myself to the emptiness that was slowly encroaching upon me. Around may 2006, god made himself evident and provide me with a choice - continue with the life that I had chosen that was empty and void of rest for my soul or finally step out to do what i created for. You know the choice that I have made and the rest is history in the making. I have traveled to over 6 countries now telling people about the man that set me free. And through me simply following where he leads me I have grown and stretched in ways that I couldn't have imagined. And with that the pace was set for my life and God has only increased the pace of growth in my life. So now here I am in staffing in the kitchen.

Being the kitchen head here at YWAM is an incredible responsibility and it is so stretching. I never knew that I could have such a depth of dependence on the Lord. I have been brought to my knees weeping God as he changes me into what he created me to be. I don't know where He is taking me this time, but it hurts and He is going deeper then I have ever been. I hope to keep you guys in the loop with whats going on.

Please be praying for Him to work out all that He has for me. I do not want to stand in His way any longer. For each of us as men and women created in His image He has created a life so full of life and love everlasting that the world can not contain it. Know that God exists that He is always next to you, we must start talking to Him and reading what he has already communicated to us. Life is not worth anything without a relationship with Jesus.

Monday, April 28, 2008


Well first things first, this is a short trip I got to take with some missionaries taking their furlough vacation from work with Campus Crusade for Christ Canada.

Simply awe inspiring.

God has been doing some amazing things in the past week. He is moving so tangibly through my life. As He seeks and finds me I am more and more overcome by his presence. I can see Him moving so mightily through my family that He must planning some sort of break through. Pieces of a life long puzzle are moving into place and he is letting me see it happen. It is very staggered right now as you can see but I will paint for you a better picture as i get more of the details myself.

God Bless and know that He has planned every second of your day for you, all you need to do is ask for it.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Sorry about the Late update

Hey everyone sorry about taking so long with this next update. I am now officially kitchen head for YWAM Maui, which means that I not only get to plan for, shop for, and prepare for all the food that is consumed on the base but right now I also have to MAKE IT! So needless to say I have been very busy running around making sure everyone eats.

But In everything the Lord is teaching me so much about myself. He is bringing out my strengths and weaknesses making me to depend on Him for everything. I am having such a great time. Thank you all for your support and encouraging letters that you have been sending me. Your prayers are what make all the difference in my life.

Lately, I have been looking back over the past 2 years of my life. It is incredible to see how far the Lord has taken me. You all have seen the immense change that has happened in my life. I am so thankful that the Lord has placed you all in my life to show me God's life. The freedom and joy being released over my life has left me awe struck. simply without words to describe it.

This video came up recently and I think it illustrates what I am going through right now.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Some Fun this Weekend

I had some great fun this weekend with with mission builders before they all leave this Saturday. They have helped us so much here on the base, I am going to miss them so much.

The base here in Haiku is So much fun with so little people up here. We have moved couches back into the lecture hall and have turned the house into a great family home once again. There are only about 10 living here on Base which makes it very quiet and spacious.

I miss you all so much and I have mailed out letters for all of you that I have an address for. If someone who reads this doesn't receive a letter within the next few days please just email me with your address and I am more then happy to put you on the mailing list.

On a more personal note, God has been moving me closer into His presence. As I read the bible and see how it speaks to every aspect of my life God has been changing me. The Bible does not just apply to the spiritual part of my life. It is the only thing that validates my whole life. And through the Bible God has reminded me of something very special this week. As Christians every part is to be an act of worship. Worship is not just singing on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings. Worship is an attitude of the heart looking to and serving Jesus alone that will then be shown through MANY different physical representations. This can be anything from Singing on Sunday to filing your taxes. Rock on....

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Da' Kitchen

Hey everyone welcome to the Kitchen.. Let me show you around.

This is where we wash and dry all of our pots, pans, boards, and dishes.

Our oven and skillet. This is where we do the cooking. 

Here is some of the tasty food being prepared for today's lunch. The young women in pink is Kiera, she is one of our wonderful mission builder volunteers.

Some leftover ham also being prepared for today's lunch. Ooo it tasted so good!

And this is Ms. Loretta another one of our volunteers here. *Whisper* I am not to sure she liked me taking a picture of her. I miss you all so much. If you all have any questions about how I am doing or what I am up to. Or perhaps you would like to see a few more pictures of something in particular just comment, or email me at GCapostle@aim.com.

God Bless

Monday, March 17, 2008

Island Life

I have been back for two weeks now and life is slowly returning to normal. My culture shock is slowly going away and I am coming back into my normal emotions and reactions to situations. I want to thank you all so much for your prayers and support through these past 6 months. 

As you know God has asked me to stay here on Maui as staff for at least the next two years, that is the length of a regular commitment here at YWAM MAUI. And I am excited to finally settle in after 2 years of transition and intense learning. This season of serving the base in practical ways has already been so encouraging for me. I get to now live out what I believe to be true. God does exist, He is holy, He is infinite, and He is personal. Because of my sin I am forever cast out from Him into the fires of Hell. But because of His incredible love for me He sent Himself, Jesus Christ, to save me from Hell and eternal separation from Himself, so that now I may stand as holy and righteous, through Christ Jesus' finished work on the cross, before God in loving relationship with Him. Loving God with all my heart, mind, body, and soul and loving my neighbor as myself. And I can only weep for joy at the opportunity. 

Christ has called my here to YWAM Maui for this season. And I know He will provide for my in incredible ways. My current support per month is $350 and I have a goal of at least $500 per month for my time here at YWAM and a long term goal of $3000 per month for longer term missionary work overseas. Also currently I am still in need of a laptop computer, I am sharing a friends, but my own is essential in this day and age for keeping you all updated as well as informed. I have been praying and researching what is the best what for what I do and will last me at least 4 to 5 years. I am looking at spending around $1500 for a new Apple Macbook. Please email me if you would like more information.

You all have been so instrumental in my life. Praying for me and encouraging me. I pray that you can see how much Christ has changed me and my life through you all. I miss you all so much.

Humbly In His Service,

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Update On Life

God did so much on my outreach that will be so hard to put down into writing, but i am trying. I am making a new post on this blog called "tales" and on it I want to put testimonies, stories, and pictures of some of the people that I have met and gotten to share the love of Jesus with. god has been doing so much to me and through me over the past 2 years that I have been in YWAM. My whole goal for coming to YWAM was the School of Biblical Foundations and Missions, which I just completed. So, as I look forward to what is ahead I hear the Lord asking me to stay here at YWAM Maui serving as staff. He has simply spoken and is asking that I simply follow, He has said just this, "Remember Lot's Wife." And then He opened the doors or me to stay here without going back to California.

The Lord has asked me to stay, so I have and am now on staff full-time here at YWAM Maui. I have the wonderful opportunity to work in the kitchen here in Maui for the remainder of this quarter. My commitment here is 2 years long and already I can see God's hand in placing me here for this time. The students of the current DTS that I get to serve are so hungry to know more about Jesus and through working for them and with them in the kitchen God has provided a unique opportunity to disciple them. I am so excited for the future. God has all of our lives in His hands and He works all things out for the good of those who love Him. i am still working on getting the video online but i have loaded a ton of new pictures on the picture section of this blog for you all to check out!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


I have safely arrived back from outreach and have conquered the evil beast of Jet lag. I am currently working on getting all iof my outreach pictures put together into a nice show for you all. I will have it up shortly. Along with the pictures will be an update on my situation and future.

I ahve missed you all so much and feel free to call me anytime to talk. I will post plenty of stories here on the blog along with pictures and various other goodies. until then God bless.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Probably my Only Blog Till the 20th of february

I apologize for the very late update. the internet here on the island has been down due to some malfunction on the providers end. But its working right now :-)

Well let me see where to begin. we made if finally after 3 attempts at a flight to southern Philippines, we ended up having to change carriers and have an extra stop, but after a 2 hour bus ride, a 4 hour boat ride and a 1 hour jeep trip we have made it to hope for the island!

We have already been here for almost two weeks and what God is doing here is simply incredible. Hope for the island is truly ministering to the people of this island in every area of life (see the website link for more information). We have been going primarily to a local town nearby running health clinics and evangelism meetings. I have had some wonderful opportunities to share Christ with quite a few number of people even in my short time here.

The team here is doing great and we are really being able to accomplish the main purpose for our coming here, discipling the staff. They are the ones that will be here for the long-haul changing the island for Christ and it is for them that we have come here. I can really see the Lord's leading in bringing us here. The staff are so hungry to know about Christ and on the same note they have so much to teach us. It has been an incredible time thus far and I am excited for even the few short weeks we have left.

Thank you all for your prayers they are really making the difference here. Me and the team that I am with here thanks you for your support. Haha, I am so excited for what God is doing here through these men and women of God. And I am looking forward to coming back and being able to share this all with you as well. I will be headed back to Maui on the 23 of February and, God willing, back to California on the 1st of march. God Bless!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

So I made it to the Philippines fine. We were scheduled to go to Surigao city in the south yesterday but our plane flight was cancelled due to bad weather there in the city. Pray that the weather will clear up so we can leave Friday and head out to the small island were we will be spending the majority of our time serving.

The area we are staying at here in Manila is almost exactly like Los Angeles so it is definitely weird for me to think that I am in a foreign country. The street names, the traffic, the Mexican food (even though here it is Filipino food). They drive on the right side of the road and it is very heavily American influenced. The culture gap that is between here and Thailand is very large and I find myself going through quite a bit of culture shock while here in the city. Thinking of it as L.A. has been helping but I think that I am ready to go down south where it is a little more rural.

I am hoping and praying that you will realize that God is always there for you whether or not you may feel Him there. And because of that our prayers for each other move and effect our lives for our benefit through Christ. You guys are great. Thanks for being awesome!

Monday, January 7, 2008

Thailand Ends Philippines Begins

Photo with the mascot for you momma.

Friday, January 4, 2008

The Philippines

SO I leave in two days for the Philippines!

Thailand has been such a blessing to me. We as a team are working with a campus ministry called Bon Jai Deow - "house of one heart" (BJD for short) It is an affordable student dorm building where non christians come in - because its cheap- and hear about God. We get the incredible opportunity to teach and answer questions of the staff and college students here. Thais are so hungry to know more about Christ. We have had some of the most amazing lessons and teaching sessions not to mention a few interesting conversations. They are so interested in what we have to say and they are SO smart. Here in Thailand there is such a great need for Bible teachers. BJD has needed people who can teach the bible in its entirety, connecting the old and new testaments together into a cohesive whole that points toward Jesus Christ crucified and risen, so that the students who are here can be discipled and grounded in God's word. This is done so that when they graduate from college they will go out into the country and change it for Christ. And this is what we as a team teach. God has answered the need of the people with a divine appointment of bringing us here. In the beginning we were unsure if we were going to spend a lot of time in Thailand but now we are sure that we were following the Lord's leading. Praise the Lord that He holds the whole world in His hands and that He orchestrates such amazing meetings.

We have been holding small group bible studies and large group lessons. and heading out to the college campus across the street. Mind you it is the WORLDS largest college campus, having over 600,000 students attending. We have been able to sit in on classes and talk to many students about the evidence of God's existence through creation. We have really been able to share the gospel at a level that is so needed here. In Thailand it is primarily nominal Buddhists who have been so effected by concepts like evolution and atheism that they have become hopeless and apathetic. So when they are presented with an alternative to what they have been told there entire lives that makes more sense with the world that is around them they reach for it. And the Lord is taking Thais for Him.

In light of that I am realizing how much these ideas of hopelessness and futility of life are prevalent back in the States and how much of a need there is to have what I now know presented to you all back home. It is such an encouragement to know, and I mean really know that the Bible is the spoken words of an infinite and personal God who sent Himself to die on a cross for our sins and raise himself from the dead so that we might have eternal life in Him. It is a message that changes and transforms lives. It is the entire reason for my existence and I think I am being led back to you guys for a little while to encourage you all.

This school and this trip are appearing to be very large turning points in my life. And it is because of you all that I am here. Thank you so much for supporting me. God Bless and I will post the rest of my pictures before I leave Thailand.