Welcome To The Adventure!

We are ordinary people trying to obey the word of an extraordinary God.
These are our travels.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Weeks Two Through Five

What a time it has been! I have been to Rome, Venice, Assisi, Fiesole, and now Sienna!

I have had the priviledge of completing E. H. Gombrich's history of art book as well as having wonderful and passionate conversations about beauty and art.

As individuals we have sought answers to questions such as: What is beauty?, What is art?, Is there such a thing as christian art?, or Should christians even participate in art?

Some questions have been brought to concensus but, as with most subjects, any answer reveals more questions.

From these photos I hope that you catch a glimpse into the beauty and majesty that has been preserved and cultivated here in Italy. With regards to a brief explanation of some of our discussions, allow me to let Charles Dickens give you a snapshot:

"How much better,'he said at length, 'to shun all such thoughts and chances, and, in the peaceful shelter of the church, devote your lives to Heaven! Infancy, childhood, the prime of life, and old age, whither as rapidly as they crowd upon each other. Think how human dust rolls onward to the tomb, and turning your faces steadily towards that goal, avoid the cloud which takes its rise among the pleasures of the world, and cheats the senses of their votaries. The veil, daughters, the veil!'

"Never sisters,' cried Alice. 'Barter not the light and air of heaven, and the freshness of earth and all the beautiful things which breathe upon t, for the cold cloister and the cell. Nature's own blessings are the proper goods of life, and we may share them sinlessly together. To die is our heavy portion, but, oh, let us die with life about us; when our cold hearts cease to beat, let warm hearts be beating near; let our last look be upon the bounds which God has set to his own bright skies, and not on the stone walls and bars of iron!'
- Charles Dickens : "Nicholas Nickleby" pg. 65-66

- "For Glory and beauty"

Location:Florence, Italy

Friday, December 2, 2011

First Week in Italy

It has been a momentous fee days. I have had the amazing priviledge of seeing some of the greatest pieces of art man has ever expressed. Pictures of these great works have not come close to the experience of standing before them in person.

As a group we have left the busy streets of Rome and moved to the much quieter hills of Tuscany. With our own private villa a complete with church dating back to the 15th century- we have settled in.

This trip has begun to open my eyes to a whole new language of the created order. Form, line, color, space, and composition. These are the tools of an artist. As I cultivate an "eye" for such things I have been drawn in a new way to the Great Artist. Beauty, what a thing to be desired.

God is the root of beauty. To search for beauty is to search for him. To create is to create after Him. I am beginning to see His creation as the work of art that He created it to be. I will keep you updated on how it goes.

- "For glory and beauty!"

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Winter Sunset

- "To live out consistently the truth that has been revealed to me."

Location:Bloomington Ferry Rd,Bloomington,United States

Friday, November 11, 2011


It has been six months. Looking back always seems a little more surreal and dream like: the bad things falling from memory and good things in amazing technicolor.

Since mathematics I have sailed through physics, biology and am now in my third semester studying psychology.

From mathematics the grounds were laid for any discussion of physics: as physics may, in a sense, be considered math, applied. From the basic assumption that math analogously reveals the triune-nature of God through symbolic language we got to explore what math can do in the physical world. This application was explosive, we were able to do projects outside - finding the height and distance of an object using similar triangles .

Once we understood the physics of an object we moved into Biology- the study of Life. We got to ask such profound questions as: What is life? and What does it mean to be alive? We ended on the conclusion that life, rather than being a substance or force, is more likened to a capacity: A capacity that allows for a Response-Ability.

Standing upon the foundation of God (theology), our grasp of the metaphysical nature of reality (philosophy), the immaterial plans of reality (math), the material effects of those immaterial plans (physics), and the Response-ability given to that material in certain instances (biology), we have now zoomed in on man with Psychology.

Where does man's dignity come from? Where, when, how, and to what extent does his deformity occur? How may he be delivered? And what is his destiny? The answers to come!

P.S. I leave for Italy in 2 weeks. OH BOY!

Thursday, May 26, 2011


My first semester has just finished and I have returned from a two week break. During my two week break I visited YWAM Salem, OR with one of my faculty tutors. He spoke on biblical worldview while I had the privilege of some great downtime and fun with YWAM DTS students! Also, I got to visit my family in california. Woohoo!!!

Now, the mathematics module has begun and I am excited to say that I am not overwhelmed yet. The area of mathematics has a long history within my family. My dad's side were all mechanically inclined. My aunt was actually a math professor. That particular trait is not as, shall we say, cultivated in my particular case. In other words, its hard!

This module is broken into two concurrently running classes. One is a philosophy of mathematics. The other is a self-study of mathematical skill sets: essentially, "traditional" math - algebra, geometry, etc..

Philosophy of math! You may think, "what does that mean?" Fundamentally it is a look under the hood of mathematics. When was the last time you asked yourself the question, "WHY does 2+2=4?" Typically, we just assume that it does and that is enough. Some folks may dive a little deeper and say that 2+2=4 because in real life two of something placed beside another two of the same thing makes four of that thing. These are true statements but do not answer the question WHY, they simply repeat that they do.

If this is confusing don't worry, it was for me too. But bare with me a little longer and it will all be worth it.

So, if the proof that 2+2=4 in real life is not enough what is? This is where we move from math to philosophy. What is two-ness? What does it mean to "equal" something? Why does 2+2=4 and not 5 or 8? At face value you may say to me, "Joey, who the flip cares?" But follow me. Why not 2+2=5? Because it just doesn't? Or is there something deeper? We instinctively know that it doesn't, don't we? Many languages call it different things; cuatro, quatre, vier. But we all have a sense of four-ness. This then smacks of design. Why does 2+2=4 everywhere in the world? Where could this come from? This is where we dance around in philosophy until we cross from philosophy to theology. Just like complex systems within biological systems, this design comes from the same origin. Having effectively crossed from mathematics to philosophy to theology we reach a staggering point.

If math is grounded in the infinite personal God and all "good" math or "well-done" math comes from Him then, by doing math well we actually perform an act of worship. Additionally, by doing math perfectly, we actually follow God's thoughts after Him.

Do you now see why philosophy of math?

To conclude, this is what I get to do for the next 6 weeks. Pray for me? :-)

Saturday, April 23, 2011

1st Semester Coming to A Close

Been 2 months since my last update. I have gone through 6 weeks of theology, and am about to finish a 6 week module on philosophy. This particular module will culminate in a 3 day lecture hosted by J.P. Moreland. Mr. Moreland is a prominent christian philosopher and apologist.

All that to say, my life is truly being impacted by the vivacious and robust material I have been encountering here at Rivendell. Our daily discussion are rich with content of both edifying and controversial material. With such topics as, the trinity, natural theology, Christian ethics and responsibility, meal conversations are VERY lively!

Originally I came with the goal of furthering my understanding of a truly Biblical Christian worldview. Being here has been every bit a blessing as I had hoped that it would be. My worldview is being stretched and bolstered by the great men of the past. More importantly, God has been impressing upon me the simple profundity of the gospel.

The deeper I go, the more I read, and the farther I travel with this "Jesus," I find that the answers to my questions become so personal that they could almost be said to be a person. As I stretch my small mind to search out the edges of ideas, seeking to find where God has been hidden amongst the lies and garbage I find not a perfect answer, but a perfect person. It could be misconstrued that this is but a fanciful way of saying that the answers are beyond reach, but I would disagree. I am saying this because everywhere I turn, each place I look and at the bottom of every mystery I find this man "Jesus."

I find myself more in love with God everyday. I love Him not only in feeling but also in mind. I think about it all the time now. He is in everything. I see His touch on everything. Each time, I remember what He did and what He has said. Perhaps to make this more poetic,

"He has wooed me, every where I go I see His love notes. I cannot go a day without being reminded of His love. That love that went to death on the tree for the joy that He found in me. How can I not but love Him? How can I not love thee my God, my king? I give all of me to thee."

In sum and in short, it is going really well out here in the great white north.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Something new amongst the Old

I have been learning so much in this school. But, I don't know how successful I would be in an attempt to list it all here. Instead, I want to share something more personal.

I have been surprised by the love for others in my heart. In the midst of opening up the fire hydrant of truth and drinking deep, my love for people is genuinly growing. Now, you may say, "well duh Joey, that is what it is suppose to do!" To which I would heartily agree. However, it is one thing to know in theory and totally another thing to experience sincerely.

In the bible we are told to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and love our neighbor as ourselves. This, although simple, can be - as some of us know - simply the death of us. In the faithfullness of God, or the reliability of His decrees - otherwise known as truth, is the source of this love we are asked to give to our neighbor. This roots my love in God, not myself.

If God is faithful and my love is rooted in him, then my love can be faithful. This is what I am experiencing: not in theory but in experience. The Love of God made manifest in my life.

Perhaps the rubber is finally hitting the road. Ha! Who knew?

Friday, January 14, 2011

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Photos from Campus

Here is the Cafeteria

The Gazebo

My Bedroom

The Living Room

The Guys Hall