Welcome To The Adventure!

We are ordinary people trying to obey the word of an extraordinary God.
These are our travels.

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Well this is really the first time that I have had the time to sit down and update all of you guys on my life overseas.

I have now been on outreach for about a month and things have not been easy. Leading a team is the hardest thing I have ever done and it certainly is stretching me in ways that I have never been stretched.

Learning about yourself in the school of hard knocks is never easy, but it certainly will be rewarding. Currently the team and I are in Chittagong, Bangladesh. We are headed to a remote hill trek full of Hindus to preach the gospel and see what God has placed there for us. Bangladesh most certainly is a crazy place, similar to India it is a wild country of millions of people and very little order. Most certainly the craziest place i have ever been. In the midst of the crazyness there is a thread that the Lord has been weaving in me.

What does it mean to abide in christ. Reading through chapter 14 of John over and over again I have been trying to live life wrapped in christs love for me. Having it shield me, having it care for me, having it guide me. I wish that it wasnt so metaphorical sounding. I am seeing now that in the hard times how tangible his love really is, how sweet a comforter he can be and how much i really need more of him and less of my own strength.

Pray for us, as we head into the jungles. Pray that the broken hearted will be bound up and the captives will be set free. Pray for me. I need God, and I am helpless and cold without him. Life is so simple and yet such a struggle - love God and love people. We were meant for love and God has an endless supply of himself, after all He IS love.