Welcome To The Adventure!

We are ordinary people trying to obey the word of an extraordinary God.
These are our travels.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

The Count Down Begins

Well folks it is that time again,

I stand less than two weeks from my next trip out to the nations. This class of students has certainly been the best I have seen. They are hungry for the truth of the word and the power of His Holy Spirit.

Needless to say that is the most exciting combination a student could have. In light of this hunger for God, He has responded in kind with new revelations of Himself. As a school we have been devouring the scriptures and making the most of our personal times to try and absorb as much knowledge and experience before we head out. What are ride it has been!!!

We fly out on July 1st, please keep us in your prayers and remember.... There is a whole world out there in need of the gospel, are you doing your part?